Issue Briefing:

No New Fossil Fuel Projects on Public Lands

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The first step toward 100% displacement of fossil fuels is to halt new drilling immediately.

Photo by Aleksandar Littlewolf via Freepik

Clear Policy Ask

Congress must prohibit all new oil and gas development offshore and on federal lands by passing the Keep It in the Ground Act.

The Case for Keeping It in the Ground

Preventing new fossil projects is critical to curbing emissions. The only viable path to net-zero emissions by 2050, per the IEA, includes an immediate halt to all new oil, gas, and coal extraction projects. Oil and gas drilling sites are linked to adverse health outcomes in humans and disproportionately harm BIPOC communities.

The largest oil drilling proposal, Project Willow, is in the Alaskan Arctic. If approved, the emissions from its extracted oil would completely negate the expected emissions reductions from existing renewable energy projects. Congress has the power to stop it.

Sample Social Post

More drilling won't solve our energy crisis. The largest proposed drilling project, ConocoPhillips' Willow in the Arctic, would extract 160k barrels of oil daily. Congress MUST prohibit drilling on public lands & offshore. Enough is enough. [@MoC1] [@MoC2] [@MoC3]