Climate Candidate Briefing:

Robert Zimmerman (NY-3)

Type: Challenger
Party: Democratic

Robert Zimmerman’s race has moved from a toss-up to a Lean D. He’s running in an open seat vacated by Rep. Tom Suozzi (D-NY).

New York’s 3rd Congressional District

Image from FiveThirtyEight

New York’s newly drawn 3rd congressional district is on the North Shore of Long Island. The redrawn district has a D+4 partisan lean, down from a previous D+6 rating.

Climate impacts: read the New York climate summary.

Climate attitudes (note: this data was collected before the district was redrawn): Yale Climate Opinion Survey

Robert’s Climate Position

From Robert’s campaign website:

We stand at a New Deal moment to address the existential threat of climate change. Solving the climate crisis is the challenge of our lifetime – a challenge that we must address in order to preserve a future for our children in the United States and the rest of the world. Beyond this, the effects of climate change threaten our country’s national security and undermine the economic stability of American families.

In 2012, we witnessed the destruction brought about by Hurricane Sandy. We continue to suffer from extreme weather events. Climate change poses a unique threat to our communities on Long Island and in Queens, which have long faced dangers from flooding and water and air quality issues. That’s why I support strategically using funds from the $1.2 trillion Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to rebuild and protect our communities. This law is about more than just building bridges, roads, and tunnels. It’s also an opportunity to renovate and expand our environmental infrastructure. It will create thousands of good-paying, union jobs and help ensure we leave a habitable, prosperous island for all our children and grandchildren. From retrofitting our sewage treatment plants to protecting water quality to ensuring proper drinking water supply, I will advocate for investments to protect the homes of Long Island and Queens residents. As a native Long Islander, I understand the importance of preserving our local environment and creating opportunities for our communities to thrive in a green economy.

If I have the opportunity to serve in Congress, fighting climate change will be one of my top priorities. I am committed to achieving environmental justice for the residents of Long Island and Queens: a transition to 100 percent clean, renewable energy, affordable energy bills, and clean air and water for all.

In Congress, I will:

  • Use the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Build Back Better bill as calls to action for our nation to stand up for climate justice

  • Fight for additional funding through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to improve flood mitigation on Long Island

  • Push forward climate change provisions in Build Back Better including:

    • A move away from U.S. economic reliance on fossil fuels and toward clean, renewable energy sources

    • Tax credits for businesses to install clean energy technologies

    • Tax credits for electric vehicles and for the renewable power sources to fuel them

    • Incentives for companies to install carbon capture technologies

  • Prioritize bills that maintain and improve water quality

  • Support the Environmental Justice for All Act

  • Establish federal legislation to ensure the continued preservation and improvement of the Long Island Sound

  • Ensure federally-funded green infrastructure projects are completed with good-paying, local union jobs

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