Climate Candidate Briefing:

Greg Landsman (OH-1)

Type: Challenger
Party: Democratic

Greg Landsman’s race is currently rated a toss-up. He’s challenging longtime incumbent Rep. Steve Chabot, who has an LCV lifetime score of 12 (that’s a very, very bad environmental voting record).

Ohio’s 1st Congressional District

Ohio’s newly redrawn 1st congressional district is in southwestern Ohio and includes Cincinnati. The redrawn district has a D+3 partisan lean.

Climate impacts: read the Ohio climate summary

Climate attitudes (note: this data was collected before the district was redrawn): Yale Climate Opinion Survey

Greg’s Climate Position

From Greg’s campaign website:

Greg is committed to making sure the world we pass down to his children and ours is one that is sustainable, safe, and equitable. On City Council, Greg pushed to strengthen the Green Cincinnati Plan, a historic environmental justice ordinance that placed Cincinnati at the forefront of the environmental policy movement. He also supported the largest municipally-led solar project in America.

Greg is very proud to be endorsed by the League of Conservation Voters. In Congress, he’ll fight to protect access to clean air & water and hold polluters accountable for damages that disproportionately impact our already marginalized communities. Our future and the future of our children depends on it.

Concurrent Elections

Organizing in Ohio is especially important this year since there’s also a competitive U.S. Senate election, in which Sen. Portman, who has a poor climate record in Congress, could get unseated.

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